Rector’s Representatives

HM Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Professor Piotr Wachowiak appointed representatives, who he has entrusted with duties related to the key areas of activity of the University.
Rector’s Representatives for the SGH Doctoral School
  • Anna Visvizi, Ph.D., SGH Professor

Anna Visvizi

  • Professor Bartosz Witkowski

Bartosz Witkowski


Rector’s Representative for Protection of Classified Information
  • Dariusz Grabowski, M.A.

Dariusz Grabowski

In compliance with Article 15 of the Act of 5 August 2010 on the Protection of Classified Information, tasks of the Rector’s representative for protection of classified information include: assurance of the protection of classified information, control of provisions regarding protection thereof, including application of physical security measures and ICT system protection where classified information is processed.

He is responsible for developing and updating the classified information protection plan at the University requiring the Rector’s approval, including in case of the introduction of a state of emergency and supervising implementation thereof.
He conducts standard verification proceedings and control verification proceedings in order to issue a security certification for employees on positions related to the access to the classified information with the “confidential” clause. He also conducts trainings in the scope of classified information protection.

The security representative is obliged to keep an up-to-date list of persons employed at the University or performing commissioned activities that are authorised to access classified information and persons who have been refused issuance of a security certificate or such a certificate has been withdrawn. He transfers to the register of the Internal Security Agency data of persons authorised to access classified information, as well as persons who have been denied issuance of a security certification or with regard to whom it has been decided to withdraw the security certificate.

The above tasks are performed by the Rector’s representative for protection of classified information with the assistance of a separate organisational unit, i.e. the Independent Section for Operational Planning and Protection of Classified Information appointed under the Rector’s Order no. 24 of 31 March 2011.